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Information for parents regarding school opening

Dear Parents / Carers,

Welcoming Your Child Back To School
Arrangements and Guidelines


As you are all now aware, the Welsh Government has announced that schools will reopen from 29th June allowing children the opportunity to 'check in, catch up and prepare' for the summer and September. Thank you for taking the time to fill in the form we sent out. We entirely support your decision in relation to this and are so grateful to those of you who have already indicated whether your child will be returning for their check in visits. This has certainly helped us in our planning for the weeks ahead. 

Here is some initial information for you, with more specific guidance next week for you and your child. We hope you find this useful. 


'Check In' Days 

Your child will be invited to visit school for one day per week. Each class will be split into a small group of no more than 8 pupils. 
Class teachers will continue to provide online learning through Hwb and Seesaw. There will be a notable difference in this aspect of blended learning. Teachers will be working with pupils during the week 'face to face' so the amount of activities and frequency of responses will decrease. I am sure that you will understand and appreciate this. 
Your child will remain within their group or 'bubble' during that school day. There will be a minimum of three visits during these weeks. Welsh Government are yet to confirm the extended week at the end of the Summer Term. We will inform you when we know more.about this. 

Where possible we will attempt to 'match' siblings to the same day, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee this. We will also try our best, where possible, to put them in friendship groups. 

A 'Grab & Go' Bag (sandwiches, drink, etc.) will only be provided for those eligible for free school meals. These children will also need a full water bottle and healthy snack. All other pupils will need to bring a healthy snack, packed lunch and a full water bottle with them. 


What Will A 'Check-In' Day Look Like? 

Each visit will concentrate on pupil wellbeing as a priority. There will be time for each pupil to catch up with their class teacher. The days will give opportunity for peer groups to talk and interact with each other. Teaching will support home learning and give greater value to tasks set for the pupils, to ensure that they are able to complete them with greater understanding. Considerable time will be spent outdoors if possible, as recommended in the Welsh Government guidance. Please ensure your child wears appropriate clothing, coat and footwear for the weather conditions. 


Pick up and drop off

Regretfully parents will not be allowed on the school site, if you need to contact your child's teacher please ring the school. Start and collection times will be staggered across the school. You will be given a time to arrive at the main gate where teachers will collect your child. Only one parent should attend the school with their child in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines. Details that are more specific will be sent out next week with guidelines for you to follow. 


Safety Measures and Social Distancing 

Welsh Government has recognised that it is very difficult for young children to maintain consistent social distancing of two metres. In line with the guidance, we are unable to guarantee that your child will remain two metres apart from other children and adults throughout the day, especially with the younger children. However, in order to minimise risk, your child will only interact with their group and the teacher / support staff with them. There will be no interaction with other groups and they will remain in their 'bubble.' 
Here are some of the safety measures that you can expect: 

● Washing hands at the start and end of each day.
● Regular supervised handwashing throughout the day for all pupils and staff and hand sanitiser in every classroom.
● Signage across the school that all must adhere to e.g. 2-metre footprint markers, one-way systems etc. 
● In classrooms, pupils will be given their own space, in which they will remain. All surplus furniture, soft furnishings, toys etc. will be removed from the classrooms so that they can be easily cleaned/sanitised (please see photographs shared on Seesaw and Remind yesterday) 
● A cleaner will be on site throughout the day and classrooms and toilets will be cleaned regularly. 


Emergency Childcare / Hub Provision 

Hirwaun Primary will operate as a hub for emergency childcare. If you are an essential worker requiring this childcare as a last resort, you must apply through the local authority. We will use twitter and/or Remind/Seesaw to inform you of the deadline for applications. With school opening for check in days alongside the hub, it is vital that we know emergency childcare numbers as early as possible for planning purposes (due to space and safety considerations). 


Under no circumstances should learners attend schools if they:
-    feel unwell, have any of the three identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days;
-    live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19; or 
-    has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days.


I know that school will look different at this moment in time but please be reassured that when your child walks through  the doors they will be as loved and as nurtured as they have ever been and we will do our very best to protect and support them, and you, during these worrying and challenging times. 

Thank you, as always for your patience, your ongoing support and your kind messages, which have really helped so much in the past months. I look forward to seeing some of you soon and others a little later as we have missed you all. 


Yours sincerely, 


Mrs Hill and all the staff